Monday, October 12, 2009

110- Dress, 111- Dogs, 112- The Road from Home, 113- Thanksgiving

Here comes the wedding. In just over a week until my cousin's wedding, I decided it was time to try on the dress one more time. It fit and I am pumped. I thought for sure I had porked on the pounds in the last month since I haven't had time to do Jillian Michaels, or run or anything other than work really. It fits, thank goodness.
Home for Thanksgiving. The dogs are fighting, the food is cooking, the family is together. That's about right. Poor Shelby and her bald spot. Stupid Dixie and her miniature-ness.

This is the road that takes me to and from my childhood. On days like yesterday, it is beautiful.

Happy Thanksgiving. I will be doing work, laundry and resting to rid myself of the cold that has crept in. Like everyone else I am thankful for life, family, friends, and my health. I am thankful for trips home, creativity, days off and gorgeous weather. I am thankful for sleep ins, late nights, good food and celebrations. I need to take more time to realize all I have.

102- Halifax, 103- Spider, 104- Molly made a bed, 105- Sweet, 106- Grape Apple Muffins, 107- Noggins Farm, 108- Apples, 109- Scarf weather

Sunsets are a perfect end to a day that is otherwise uneventful or aggravating. Especially when they can be enjoyed in the center of a bustling city.
Here is another Halloweeny stopping by to spook you.

Molly made a bed with a newspaper and a toy under the shelf in the bathroom. She is so cute. Other people post photos of their children and brag about how cute and smart they are. I have a cat.

I did the Run for the Cure by walking 5km with some people from work today. After I made a stop at the grocery store for various necessities which included sweet potatoes since they were on sale. I made sweet potato fries that were almost as good as restaurant fries.
These muffins are brought to you via Rachel Ray. They are Upside Down Grape Muffins. They were just ok.
Our school took a trip to Noggins Farm. It was a great day and this photo is taken from in the corn maze. A fun filled day where anyone could spend hours enjoying all they have to offer including water pump duck races, a tire tower, corn mazes, info sessions and apple orchards. I dreamed of the day I could bring my own children to enjoy all it had to offer.

Some Golden Delicious and Kestrel apples I picked at the farm. Yum!

A friend left this at my house. I claimed it for my own when it began to get cold enough for scarves. It is a perfect Fall color and thickness. As much as I love Fall colors and clothes, I just don't know if I am ready for it yet!
One more blog entry and I will be caught up!

94- This date in time, 95- It's a Secret, 96- RedRUG, 97- Yucky, 98-The Word on the Street is..., 99-O, 100- Plans, 101-Spooky

I promised more, later. I didn't know it would be three weeks later. I do apologize to those loyal followers who wake up each morning looking for a new picture. I have been dedicated to taking photos. Both random and purposeful, boring and beautiful. Each day something is documented in my life. I just cannot get my act together well enough to post. So in honour of Thanksgiving here in Canada. I am thankful for your patience and am giving you an early holiday gift of three entries, with many photos. Enjoy!

I don't know why my cat won't turn right side around. I was strapped for time and ideas for photos this day. You get my cat from my cat a day calendar. I am THAT cool.

The photos I took this day are top secret. I cannot post them because they are a gift for someone who sometimes checks out my blog. I decided to show you a picture from my Thanksgiving weekend. My mom's wheelbarrow garden. Apparently the plants are dead (it is October after all) but I think Sepia makes even dead plants look beautiful.

Autumn means it's time to bring out the red carpet. I feel like a star.

Some friends came to visit unexpectedly which is the best kind of visit. We had lunch and cupcakes. Then in the evening we went to the comedy show at Yuk Yuks. It was very funny and somewhat inexpensive (similar to a night at the movies).
I was volunteering at the booth my work had at Word on the Street in Halifax. Of course I am a sucker for books and magazines and I spent approximately $100 on books for myself and others. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. The right stuff.

One of the books I bought at Word on the Street. It has recipes from around the world that are easy enough for kids to make. It's great.

It's getting closer.... Halloween is a great, great holiday. I love it. Slowly but surely I am getting out the ghosts and goblins and placing them around the house.