It's been a year. A BIG year since I last blogged. I stopped blogging 1 year ago because I was busy, I was unmotivated, and this brand new awesome camera held me back. (It is not as easy to snap a photo when carrying around a 2 lb camera as it was with something that fit in my pocket). To sum it up I was preoccupied. I had a wedding to plan, a puppy to train (yes a puppy- given that my last entry spoke of the stinky, hairy dog lovers and how I am not one of THOSE people... I am now one of those people), I had a job to end and a job to begin.
Last February I paused blogging to live life without documenting. It was hard to write this without photos to remind me of what my year was. Three big events stand out. Three events that someone would want at least 6 months each to get accustomed to them and I managed to complete them all in a short 6 month period.
In May we decided on a whim to purchase a 12 lb, furry cuddle bug who would over time turn into a 140 lb monster of a St. Bernard. We saw him because my cousin was getting his sister. We fell in love and on the drive home debated whether this was something we should do. It took 20 minutes and we agreed- we needed him. Two weeks later we drove back to my hometown to bring him to his new home. He cried for the first 20 minutes- at about the same place we had decided we needed him, he settled down slept in a tiny ball on my lap for the remainder of the drive. He is now 10 months old and over 110 lbs. He still likes to curl up on my lap and although he sheds buckets full of hair and he stinks at times, we love him. Mac was not in our plans but this past year showed me plans are made to be changed.
In June I left a job I had been at for 5 years. I rarely speak of work on the Internet. I feel it is unprofessional and I would never want to jeopardize my career because of something I wrote on a blog/social network, etc. Leaving was something neither the employer nor I wanted to do- but when you work with children, if there are not enough children, staff are not needed. I still miss my coworkers, I still miss the families and I still visit. I moved onto a new job, same profession- different location. I love it as I did the other. It showed me I could do it, I had learned a lot and I learned I can do what I want to do anywhere. It's been an easy transition because of the similarities in the job itself, but changing jobs is difficult and when you add it to wedding planning and puppy training- I had a lot on my plate!
On November 13th, 2010 Mr. Baseball and I tied the knot. It was just 2 weeks after our 9 year anniversary. It was middle of November in Halifax, Nova Scotia and we had sunny skies, 18 degree Celsius weather and enough luck and love on our side to fill an ocean.
Beginning in February we were making final plans to our wedding. Remember I learned over the years that plans were made to be changed? Between February and October our planned venue, baker, groomsmen, bridesmaids, florist changed. We had been left hanging, told 'no' and let down for a variety of reasons that we understood and could not hold against anyone however one wrench thrown into planning was one thing, multiple was another. We were told by friends and family that a fall wedding would not be possible with all the changes to our plans. Instead of the original plan of our marriage happening October 17th, 2010, we took the one available Saturday at our new venue- November 13th. "The 13th, is it a Friday?", "A November wedding, it usually snows in November, people won't be able to make it to Halifax.", and "You won't be able to have it outdoors." were the most common reactions when we announced our date. Now if you were not a believer in 'Everything happens for a reason.' I would like to tell you that October 17th, 2010 was overcast, rainy and chilly. November 13th, 2010 broke local records for highest temperature on that day in history. We got to have a lakeside wedding, outside. We had photos taken, outside. Everything happens for a reason.
From our confirmation date in July to our wedding date, we had 110 days to make all the final adjustments. Every newlywed will say this, but our wedding day was perfect. No such thing you say? It's true- there were inappropriate actions during the reception and things that on any other day would cause someone to be unhappy, but try to upset a bride on her wedding day- see what happens! Regardless of issues that arose- it was perfect.
My year has been eventful and stressful. Exciting and amazing. So much has happened, yet very little has changed and now I'm back, with some revisions. I will still try to document my life as thoroughly as possible. I want to have something to look back on and remember the little things. I want to give you something to smile and laugh. I want others to see the beauty in something simple or encourage you to look closer in your own lives. I have just removed my promise of a photo a day- don't worry it would just be photos of Mac anyway!
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