Sunday, February 14, 2010

226- Scary Shadow, 227- Nuts, 228- G N' R, 229- Boots, 230- Baby Love, 231- Love, 232- Party, 233- Phone Home, 234- Blue, 235- Aloha, 236- Olympics

If my stairs can see their shadow, guess who else did today?? Yes, Shubenacadie Sam got scared and ran away, meaning spring is 6 more weeks away. Who is Bill Murray trying to fool? Spring is always 6 weeks from February 2nd.

Maple roasted peanuts. Yum!

Axl Rose, the legendary. In concert. It took me 40 minutes to get over the fact that he looked like Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler" and then I could enjoy the show. Also, not playing 'Don't Cry' did not go unnoticed.

These boots are comfortable, have great grip and go with both jeans and skirts nicely. I also got a great deal on them!

A friend is baby bound and a couple of us planned baby shower games galore. Guess the baby food being one of them. Don't they look appetizing? Poor babies who have to eat creamed corn (#1).

If I had never met Tom Selleck I would now be your regular ol' crazy cat lady. I would live in a small, yet practical home, with funky decorations, knick knacks aplenty and minimum 6 cats all sharing one litter box. I would clean it periodically and I would hope my house did not smell like cat urine, however there are no guarantees. I am a sucker for cats. Some people like big, hairy, stinky dogs. I like Mews. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty...

When I have babies, I'm going to be the world's best party thrower. That's right, all thanks to this $4.98 book that includes the balloons and confetti to do it. I promise I won't be all talk either, I WILL throw awesome parties :P

My old phone's insides fell out, so it was on to a new one. Not like I enjoy spending my money lately, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Days like this make you think it's spring. Usually it's accompanied with -25 degree weather and you are shocked into reality. Winter sticks around for awhile. But where are the snow days?!?! That is the perk of Winter, and I'm still waiting...


The Olympics began and all of Canada is on board, which means everywhere you look, every channel you turn on, every radio station you listen to it's OLYMPIC Central. I'd be ok with it if I cared... the opening ceremonies were impressive though! I enjoyed the whales.

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