Sunday, September 27, 2009

84- Gifts for a Bride, 85- More Magazines, 86- A Little bit of Spring, 87-Scents of Autumn, 88-Motorcycle Man, 89-Quick Visit with a Favorite Friend

Although it has been 2 weeks since I last blogged, I have kept up with my end of the bargain and have photographed random unsuspecting objects left, right and center. My life has not been so exciting that I cannot find time to blog, it has been the fact that work has made me incredibly crazy and I cannot wrap my mind around anything other than work.
A fellow teacher got married and as a staff we compiled a recipe book with gifts for the kitchen. I will have to admit I didn't actually take this photo, however I took other photos similar, this one just turned out the best! I gave a delicious sugar cookie recipe that I normally make at Christmas, and a cake ball recipe that I will make wherever and whenever.

I still buy too many magazines, including ones that normally grandmas buy. Saltscapes is a magazine showcasing Eastern Canada. It has recipes and photography, stories about cities near me, and lists of things 'happening' in my area.

Daisies have been appearing on my lawn again. So have dandelions. It's like it's Spring not Fall. However the freezing early morning temperatures and the crisp, cool evenings have been telling me otherwise.

Cinnamon and apple, the most amazing smell for Fall. I've brought out the apple and spice candles- it's time to let go of summer.

I work with 3 year old children. This is a 'Motorcycle Man' drawn by one of them!

One thing I dislike about adult life is how far away all my friends are. The friends who really matter, the ones I put first, the ones who no matter how far away or how long since we have talked, sound the same when we speak again. I got to see one of those friends for a few brief minutes a week ago and it was worth every second. I got to meet and hold her amazing baby girl. If I could change anything about how my life is right now, it would be to put all of my favorite people in the same place, so the time between meetings wasn't so long.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite thing is the cover of Saltscapes "Roadkill: how to avoid a deer in the headlights"

    I too am burning the apple and pumpkin spice candles. Mmmmm!
