Sunday, February 14, 2010

193- 'Ring'ing in the New Year, 194- 2010, 195- I grew up in 2009, 196- Last day of Vacation, 197- Molly Doesn't want to Work, Either, 198- Liquor

New Year's Eve was a low-key event, as it has always been as of late. I like just hanging out at home, I think because I spend so much time during the week away from home that when I can be here, I enjoy it! Plus, houses are expensive... best to make the most of your money! I thought this ring was the best photo to take for the close of 2009, it sums up how perfect the year was and shows what's in store for 2010.
Here we go... another year!
2009 was the year I grew up. I FINALLY after 11 years of not driving, got my licence. Legally I can drive. Realistically, I probably shouldn't.

Vacations are so wonderful. Cups of coffee to drag the morning along. No alarm. Early morning television and blogging. I could be a work from home person. As long as I didn't have to work until 11 and I could be done at 2. :)

Molly didn't want me to go back to work either. She said "Mommy, please stay here with me! Feed me lots and rub me while I sleep!". Sadly it was back to work for the long, cold month of January.

Over the holiday I spent some time cleaning cupboards that needed a sprucing up. One being the liquor cupboard. I am ready for a party!

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